Fat Burning Green Smoothie (Post Workout, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Paleo)

A Green smoothie is meant to kickstart your metabolism into high gear, curve your appetite, fight off common colds and flus, and give you that high energy you need to start your day or your workout. Thank you antioxidants!
Fat Burning Green Smoothie (Post Workout, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Paleo)

It also has the power to burn calories while you’re, well, not doing anything at all! And even relieves muscle aches and pains after a workout. That’s the ginger doing it’s job.

Not only does it burn fat, this smoothie helps your hair and nails grow fast. It’s a great drink for postpartum moms who notice their hair shedding more that usual (a depletion of nutrients in the body after birth, breast feeding, etc).

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