I hope you love these healthy recipes as much as I do! You’re going to see a lot more of them since I am trying to clean up my own eating! I hope you’re with me on this? And hopefully you’ll love incorporating them into your diet too!

I have added baby kale to this recipe! Truth is, I do not like kale at all! BUT the catch is, baby kale is not so bad it’s kind of like spinach, and when you cook it down it’s really not so bad after all!
I’m not sure I’m ready for the grown up kale yet, I’m going to stick with this baby kale for a while because it tastes wayyyy better! 

If you’re like me and you have tasted kale and totally wasn’t a fan, I definitely encourage you to try this kind! 


1 cup dry mixed colored quinoa I like the TruRoots brand (prepare per instructions on package)
2 cups chopped broccoli (frozen is ok to use)
1/2 chopped red onion
1/2 chopped red bell pepper
3-4 cup baby kale (remove any large stems)
6 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tbsp mustard (regular or Dijon)
1/2 a lime squeezed
Salt/pepper to taste

1. Prepare your quinoa according to directions on your package (mine was 1 cup dry to 2 cups water, brought to a boil and covered and left to simmer for 18 minutes)
2. While quinoa is cooking add your chopped broccoli, onion, pepper to a skillet pan (sprayed with non-stick spray first) and let cook on medium to high heat for about 12 minutes stirring frequently, then add your kale to the sauté pan with veggies for 1-2 minutes stirring until kale is wilted down?
3. Prepare dressing by adding olive oil, onion powder, mustard, lime juice, salt and pepper to a bowl and whisking it together, set aside
4. Once quinoa and veggies are cooked, serve separated like picture above or toss everything in a large mixing bowl and stir in the dressing!
5. Serve 2 large meals sizes or 4 small side dishes


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